About James Peters

Ultimately I was encouraged to exhibit my work and during the past two decades have been fortunate in selling my works to residential and commercial clients.
I hold the theory man and the environment are intrinsically entwined and as mortals we can underestimate how important the natural environment is to us in order to maintain a balanced existence. My works attempt to illustrate the reactions I have experienced first hand in the natural environment. Walking through bush, fields, sand dunes, alongside lakes, rivers, beaches, up mountains and down escarpments. It is not only the visual perspectives that affect me like colours, textures, also the emotional senses I experience. Sensing smell, sounds, wind, sunshine, rain as examples. I have a curiosity about what lays beneath the surface of land and sea which is also reflected in my work. As a key to my works, imagine a similar trek you have experienced in the environment personally, it may give you an insight into my paintings. Over the years I have successfully exhibited in galleries and studios both in New Zealand and Australia in group and solo shows. This information is available upon request. Finally, as an artist, preparation and application of materials onto the canvas is very important to me. I want to believe my paintings will stand the test of time.
— James.Peters